words that end with less

Expanding Your Vocabulary With 59 Words That End With LESS

Language is full of descriptive words that help us express emotions, situations, and ideas clearly. One common suffix that shapes meaning is -less, which indicates the absence of something. Whether you feel hopeless after a tough day, admire someone who is fearless, or enjoy a timeless piece of art, these words add depth to everyday conversations.

Many of them describe emotions, physical states, or conditions, making them essential in writing and speech. If you love expanding your vocabulary, exploring words that end with less will help you understand how this suffix creates powerful and expressive language. Let’s dive in!

Seven-Letter Words Ending in LESS

These short words are commonly used in everyday communication.

  1. Endless – Having no limit or end.
  2. Useless – Not serving any purpose or function.
  3. Aimless – Lacking direction or purpose.
  4. Witless – Lacking intelligence or awareness.
  5. Joyless – Lacking happiness or pleasure.
  6. Jobless – Without employment.
  7. Lawless – Not governed by laws; disorderly.
  8. Artless – Lacking skill or deception; natural.
  9. Ageless – Never appearing to grow old or outdated.

Eight-Letter Words Ending in LESS

These words often describe emotions, behavior, and abstract concepts.

  1. Fearless – Showing no fear; brave.
  2. Hopeless – Feeling or showing despair.
  3. Mindless – Acting without thought or intelligence.
  4. Tactless – Lacking sensitivity in dealing with others.
  5. Homeless – Without a place to live.
  6. Seamless – Smooth and continuous, with no apparent gaps.
  7. Restless – Unable to relax or be still.
  8. Reckless – Showing no regard for consequences.
  9. Painless – Without pain or discomfort.
  10. Careless – Not giving sufficient attention or thought.
  11. Pitiless – Lacking compassion or mercy.
  12. Harmless – Not causing harm or danger.
  13. Wireless – Without wires, especially in communication.
  14. Leafless – Without leaves, often referring to trees or plants.
  15. Ruthless – Without pity or compassion.
  16. Selfless – Concerned more with others than oneself.
  17. Helpless – Unable to act or protect oneself.
  18. Timeless – Not affected by the passage of time.
  19. Nameless – Without a name or identity.

Nine-Letter Words Ending in LESS

Words in this category describe specific qualities or conditions.

  1. Powerless – Lacking power or ability.
  2. Faultless – Without any faults or imperfections.
  3. Heartless – Lacking compassion or kindness.
  4. Brainless – Completely lacking intelligence.
  5. Childless – Without children.
  6. Faithless – Untrustworthy or disloyal.
  7. Priceless – Extremely valuable; impossible to measure.
  8. Worthless – Without value or usefulness.
  9. Colorless – Lacking color or excitement.
  10. Boundless – Without limits or boundaries.
  11. Shameless – Lacking embarrassment or guilt.
  12. Trackless – Without a visible path or route.
  13. Thankless – Not receiving gratitude or appreciation.
  14. Shapeless – Lacking a clear shape or form.
  15. Toothless – Lacking teeth or power.
  16. Matchless – Unrivaled or superior.
  17. Cheerless – Gloomy and lacking happiness.
  18. Merciless – Showing no mercy or kindness.
  19. Soundless – Completely silent.
  20. Sightless – Without sight; blind.
  21. Fenceless – Without a fence or protection.
  22. Tasteless – Lacking flavor or aesthetic appeal.

Ten-Letter and Longer Words Ending in LESS

These words are often found in literature and descriptive writing.

  1. Weightless – Lacking weight or apparent gravity.
  2. Effortless – Requiring no effort; easy.
  3. Visionless – Without sight or foresight.
  4. Friendless – Without friends or companionship.
  5. Speechless – Unable to speak due to surprise or emotion.
  6. Motionless – Without movement.
  7. Breathless – Short of breath, often from excitement or exertion.
  8. Flavorless – Lacking taste or flavor.
  9. Fathomless – Too deep to be measured or understood.

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