words that end in sh

96 Different Words That End in SH and Their Significance

Language is full of expressive words that add depth to communication, and many of them happen to end in -sh. You might wash your hands, hear a splash in the water, or feel a sudden rush of excitement. These words appear in everyday conversations, literature, and even idioms.

Some describe actions, like crash, while others name objects, like dish. Whether you’re expanding your vocabulary or just curious about patterns in English, exploring words that end in sh will help you understand their meaning and usage in different contexts. Let’s dive into the many ways these words shape our language!

Three-Letter Words Ending in SH

  1. Ash – The gray or black powder left after something burns.

Four-Letter Words Ending in SH

  1. Fish – A cold-blooded vertebrate that lives in water and has gills.
  2. Dish – A shallow container for serving or eating food; also refers to a type of food.
  3. Wish – A desire or hope for something to happen.
  4. Rush – To move or act quickly.
  5. Push – To apply force in order to move something forward.
  6. Hush – To become silent or make someone stop talking.
  7. Gush – To flow out suddenly and forcefully, often a liquid.
  8. Tush – A slang term for the buttocks.
  9. Fash – An archaic Scottish term for trouble or bother.
  10. Bash – To hit hard; also a large party or celebration.
  11. Lash – A quick, forceful stroke or whip; also refers to an eyelash.
  12. Mush – A soft, thick mass or porridge-like substance.
  13. Gash – A deep cut or wound.
  14. Wash – To clean something using water.

Five-Letter Words Ending in SH

  1. Crash – A violent impact or collision.
  2. Flash – A sudden, brief burst of bright light.
  3. Brash – Reckless, impudent, or bold in a rude way.
  4. Brush – A tool with bristles used for cleaning, painting, or grooming.
  5. Plush – Luxuriously soft, expensive, or stylish.
  6. Blush – A reddening of the face due to embarrassment.
  7. Clash – A conflict or disagreement.
  8. Smash – To break something into pieces violently.
  9. Trash – Waste material or garbage.
  10. Whish – A soft, quick sound of movement.

Six-Letter Words Ending in SH


  1. Finish – To complete or bring something to an end.
  2. Relish – Great enjoyment; also a condiment.
  3. Punish – To inflict a penalty for wrongdoing.
  4. Squash – To crush something by applying pressure.
  5. Thrash – To beat violently or move wildly.
  6. Rehash – To reuse old ideas or material without improvement.
  7. Fetish – An object believed to have magical powers; also an obsessive fixation.
  8. Outish – Somewhat distant or detached.
  9. Radish – A small, red, spicy root vegetable.
  10. Lavish – Extravagant, luxurious, or over-the-top.
  11. Vanish – To disappear suddenly.
  12. Oafish – Clumsy or lacking intelligence.

Seven-Letter Words Ending in SH

  1. Outgush – To flow out rapidly in great quantity.
  2. Abolish – To formally put an end to something, like a law or practice.
  3. Doggish – Resembling a dog in behavior or appearance.
  4. Outwash – Material carried away from a glacier by flowing water.
  5. Unleash – To set something free or release it suddenly.
  6. Brutish – Cruel, violent, or lacking intelligence.

Eight-Letter and Longer Words Ending in SH

  1. Overembellish – To excessively decorate or exaggerate.
  2. Disestablish – To officially end or remove an institution or system.
  3. Outlandish – Unusual, bizarre, or strange.
  4. Extinguish – To put out a fire or end something.
  5. Brandish – To wave something (often a weapon) in a threatening way.
  6. Distinguish – To recognize or set apart as different.
  7. Refurbish – To renovate or restore something.
  8. Replenish – To refill or restore something.
  9. Diminish – To decrease in size, importance, or intensity.
  10. Establish – To create, set up, or begin something.
  11. Accomplish – To successfully complete something.
  12. Demolish – To completely destroy a structure.
  13. Flourish – To thrive, grow, or prosper.
  14. Vanquish – To defeat completely in battle or competition.
  15. Disfurnish – To remove furniture or equipment from a place.
  16. Unselfish – Putting others’ needs before one’s own.
  17. Embellish – To decorate or add extra details.
  18. Unfurnish – To remove furnishings from a place.
  19. Overpunish – To apply excessive punishment.
  20. Underfinish – To leave incomplete or unfinished.
  21. Outflourish – To grow or prosper more than another.
  22. Overlavish – To spend or give in an excessive way.
  23. Overgarnish – To decorate or add extra items to an excessive degree.
  24. Devilfish – A type of marine animal, such as a manta ray or octopus.
  25. Bullheadfish – A type of fish with a large, rounded head.
  26. Cutlassfish – A type of long, slender fish with sharp teeth.
  27. Dragonfish – A deep-sea fish known for its bioluminescence.
  28. Glassfish – A transparent fish often found in freshwater.
  29. Lionfish – A venomous, spiky fish found in tropical waters.
  30. Moonfish – A deep-water fish with a flat, circular body.
  31. Needlefish – A fish with a long, thin, needle-like snout.
  32. Parrotfish – A brightly colored fish that scrapes algae from coral reefs.
  33. Scorpionfish – A venomous fish known for its spiny fins.
  34. Swordfish – A large fish with a long, sword-like snout.
  35. Toadfish – A fish with a broad, flat head and a toad-like appearance.
  36. Wolffish – A fish with strong jaws and sharp teeth.
  37. Yellowtailfish – A type of fish popular in sushi and cooking.
  38. Overrefurbish – To excessively renovate or restore.
  39. Nonestablish – To not establish or set up.
  40. Unnourish – To deprive of nourishment.
  41. Reaccomplish – To complete something again.
  42. Hyperembellish – To decorate or exaggerate to an extreme degree.
  43. Overdemolish – To excessively destroy.
  44. Selfembellish – To add unnecessary details to oneself.
  45. Superdistinguish – To distinguish to an extreme level.
  46. Underpunish – To punish too lightly.
  47. Overnourish – To provide too much nourishment.
  48. Interflourish – To thrive among or between.
  49. Counterpunish – To punish in response to another punishment.
  50. Hyperflourish – To thrive or grow at an extreme level.
  51. Selfaccomplish – To achieve something independently.
  52. Overestablish – To set up excessively.
  53. Misreplenish – To improperly refill something.

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