words that end in d

Exploring 210 Common Words That End in D and Their Usage

Language is filled with patterns that help us express thoughts clearly, and one common pattern is words ending in -d. Whether you’ve walked down the street, learned something new, or enjoyed a great meal, you use these words daily. Many verbs in the past tense take this ending, while some adjectives, like cold or tired, describe how we feel.

Even common nouns, such as friend or hand, follow this structure. Understanding these words not only improves your vocabulary but also helps with writing and communication. Let’s explore the different categories and meanings of words that end in d!

Three-Letter Words Ending in D

  1. Bad – Not good in quality or behavior.
  2. Red – A primary color.
  3. Lid – A removable cover for a container.
  4. Mad – Extremely angry or insane.
  5. Sad – Feeling sorrow or unhappiness.
  6. Bid – To offer a price or make an effort.
  7. Rid – To free from something unwanted.
  8. Kid – A young child or a young goat.
  9. God – A deity or supreme being.
  10. Rod – A straight, thin, cylindrical object.
  11. Pod – A casing containing seeds or peas.
  12. Had – Past tense of “have.”
  13. Did – Past tense of “do.”
  14. Led – Past tense of “lead.”
  15. Fed – Past tense of “feed.”
  16. Wed – To marry someone.
  17. Bud – A developing part of a plant.
  18. End – The final part of something.
  19. Mud – Wet dirt.
  20. Odd – Strange or unusual.
  21. Cod – A type of fish.
  22. Dad – Informal term for father.
  23. Ted – A common name.

Four-Letter Words Ending in D

  1. Glad – Feeling happy or pleased.
  2. Hand – A part of the body used for grasping.
  3. Read – To look at and comprehend written words.
  4. Told – Past tense of “tell.”
  5. Mild – Gentle or not extreme.
  6. Hold – To grasp or carry something.
  7. Cold – Low in temperature.
  8. Bald – Having little or no hair.
  9. Bold – Courageous or prominent.
  10. Gold – A valuable metal.
  11. Wind – Moving air.
  12. Find – To discover something.
  13. Mind – The part of a person that thinks and feels.
  14. Kind – Caring and considerate.
  15. Fend – To defend or look after oneself.
  16. Land – The solid part of the Earth’s surface.
  17. Band – A group of people or a strip of material.
  18. Send – To dispatch or transmit something.
  19. Fund – A sum of money saved for a purpose.
  20. Wand – A thin stick used for magic or directing.
  21. Hard – Not soft or firm in texture.
  22. Card – A small flat object used for games or identification.
  23. Ford – A shallow place in a river where one can cross.
  24. Word – A unit of language.
  25. Bird – A feathered, winged vertebrate.
  26. Cord – A thin rope or cable.
  27. Lord – A nobleman or ruler.
  28. Gild – To cover with a thin layer of gold.
  29. Pond – A small body of water.
  30. Tend – To take care of something.
  31. Grid – A framework of spaced bars.
  32. Wild – Untamed or natural.
  33. Loud – Producing a lot of noise.
  34. Good – Morally right or beneficial.
  35. Tied – Past tense of “tie,” meaning bound together.
  36. Fled – Past tense of “flee,” meaning to run away.
  37. Pled – Past tense of “plead,” meaning to beg or argue.
  38. Mend – To repair something broken.
  39. Bend – To curve or fold.
  40. Rend – To tear apart violently.
  41. Weld – To join metal by heating it.
  42. Held – Past tense of “hold.”
  43. Fold – To bend something over itself.

Five-Letter Words Ending in D


  1. Round – Circular in shape.
  2. Blind – Unable to see.
  3. Build – To construct something.
  4. Found – Past tense of “find”; also means established.
  5. Sound – Vibrations that can be heard.
  6. Stood – Past tense of “stand.”
  7. Board – A flat, thin, rectangular object.
  8. Wound – An injury or a past tense of “wind” (twist).
  9. Trend – A general direction of change.
  10. Spend – To use money or resources.
  11. Blend – To mix together.
  12. Guard – To protect something.
  13. Plead – To make an emotional appeal.
  14. Flood – A large overflow of water.
  15. Bound – Tied or heading towards something.
  16. Award – A prize given for achievement.
  17. Brand – A type of product or label.
  18. Grand – Large or impressive.
  19. Sword – A weapon with a long blade.
  20. Shred – A small piece torn off something.
  21. Grind – To crush into small pieces.
  22. Mound – A raised pile of earth or material.
  23. Pound – A unit of weight or to hit repeatedly.
  24. Dread – A feeling of fear.
  25. Famed – Famous or well-known.
  26. Scald – To burn with hot liquid.
  27. Spied – Past tense of “spy,” meaning to observe secretly.
  28. Wield – To hold and use a weapon or tool.

Six-Letter Words Ending in D

  1. Resend – To send again.
  2. Extend – To make something longer or larger.
  3. Abound – To exist in large numbers.
  4. Friend – A person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection.
  5. Demand – To ask for something forcefully.
  6. Absurd – Wildly unreasonable or illogical.
  7. Accord – To give or grant something.
  8. Afford – To have enough resources to pay for something.
  9. Around – In a circular direction or location.
  10. Beyond – Further in distance or degree.
  11. Behold – To see or observe something impressive.
  12. Regard – To consider or think about something.
  13. Refund – Money returned after payment.
  14. Defend – To protect from harm or attack.
  15. Remind – To make someone remember something.
  16. Reseed – To plant seeds again.
  17. Unfold – To open or spread out.
  18. Record – A written account or the best achievement in a category.
  19. Behead – To remove someone’s head.
  20. Upwind – Against the direction of the wind.
  21. Embold – To make someone more confident.
  22. Reload – To load again.
  23. Rewind – To move something backward.
  24. Retold – To tell a story again.
  25. Inbred – Resulting from breeding within a small gene pool.
  26. Impend – To be about to happen.
  27. Strand – A thin length of material; also means to be stuck somewhere.
  28. Subsid – To settle or sink lower.
  29. Upsend – To send or move something upwards.
  30. Expand – To grow larger or spread out.
  31. Confid – To trust in someone or something.

Seven-Letter Words Ending in D

  1. Crumbed – Covered with breadcrumbs.
  2. Unheard – Not listened to or known.
  3. Abscond – To leave hurriedly to avoid detection or punishment.
  4. Rescind – To revoke or cancel a law or agreement.
  5. Defraud – To deceive someone for financial gain.
  6. Proceed – To continue an action or move forward.
  7. Resound – To fill a space with sound.
  8. Distend – To swell or expand due to pressure.
  9. Respond – To reply or react to something.
  10. Rebuild – To construct again after damage.
  11. Mislead – To cause someone to believe something incorrect.
  12. Rebound – To bounce back or recover.
  13. Refound – To establish again.
  14. Decreed – Officially ordered or ruled.
  15. Escaped – Got free from confinement or danger.
  16. Misread – To incorrectly interpret something.
  17. Unmoved – Not affected by emotions or external forces.
  18. Detuned – Adjusted so as not to be in perfect tune.
  19. Resumed – Started again after a pause.
  20. Exposed – Revealed or left open to danger.
  21. Trapped – Caught or confined in a situation.

Eight-Letter and Longer Words Ending in D

  1. Outstand – To be prominent or noticeable.
  2. Befriend – To become friends with someone.
  3. Overload – To burden something with too much weight or work.
  4. Withhold – To refuse to give something.
  5. Underbid – To offer a lower price than competitors.
  6. Foreword – An introductory section in a book.
  7. Misheard – To have incorrectly heard something.
  8. Overwind – To wind something too tightly.
  9. Foretold – Predicted before happening.
  10. Outbrand – To market something better than competitors.
  11. Released – Set free from confinement.
  12. Resolved – Decided firmly or solved a problem.
  13. Derailed – Caused a train or process to go off course.
  14. Displayed – Shown publicly.
  15. Outspread – Extended over a wide area.
  16. Unthread – To remove threads from something.
  17. Outwound – Unwound completely.
  18. Overboard – Over the side of a ship.
  19. Overcloud – To cover with clouds or overshadow.
  20. Overstand – To stand beyond the usual point.
  21. Underhand – Dishonest or secretive.
  22. Wasteland – A barren or unproductive area.
  23. Heartland – The central, most important part of something.
  24. Background – The area behind the main focus or one’s personal history.
  25. Misunderstand – To fail to correctly grasp the meaning.
  26. Countermand – To revoke or cancel an order.
  27. Self-imposed – Enforced on oneself rather than externally imposed.
  28. Uncompounded – Not combined with other elements.
  29. Unrestrained – Free from control or restrictions.
  30. Overextended – Stretched beyond reasonable limits.
  31. Undisturbed – Left alone and not bothered.
  32. Disregarded – Ignored or not considered important.
  33. Outdistanced – Surpassed in distance or performance.
  34. Underutilized – Not used to its full potential.
  35. Misrepresented – Given false or misleading information.
  36. Overcomplicated – Made too complex.
  37. Counterattacked – Launched an attack in response to an opponent’s move.
  38. Unappreciated – Not valued or recognized properly.
  39. Underprivileged – Lacking access to basic needs or advantages.
  40. Unaccomplished – Not having achieved success.
  41. Disenfranchised – Deprived of rights or privileges.
  42. Misunderstood – Not correctly interpreted or comprehended.
  43. Overexaggerated – Exaggerated beyond what is reasonable.
  44. Superintended – Supervised or managed something.
  45. Overboarded – Acted excessively in enthusiasm.
  46. Unfounded – Not based on fact or truth.
  47. Grandstanded – Performed in a way meant to impress.
  48. Underhanded – Sneaky or deceptive.
  49. Misbranded – Labeled incorrectly.
  50. Outnumbered – Having fewer numbers than an opposing group.
  51. Forewarned – Warned about something in advance.
  52. Overshadowed – Made less significant by comparison.
  53. Distinguished – Recognized as important or outstanding.
  54. Misguided – Based on incorrect understanding.
  55. Disrupted – Caused disorder or disturbance.
  56. Elaborated – Explained or developed in detail.
  57. Refurbished – Restored or repaired to good condition.
  58. Overhauled – Thoroughly repaired or examined.
  59. Commanded – Gave orders or directed.
  60. Demanded – Insisted on something forcefully.
  61. Withstood – Endured or resisted successfully.
  62. Thundered – Made a loud rumbling noise.
  63. Understood – Comprehended or grasped something.
  64. Countered – Opposed or responded with an opposite action.

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