words that end with ra

Understanding 72 Words That End With RA and Their Uses

Language is full of patterns, and certain word endings appear more often than we realize. From everyday speech to science and literature, words with unique endings help shape the way we communicate. Whether you admire the flora in a garden, watch a dramatic opera, or hear about the vast Sahara, these words add color to our vocabulary.

Some are short and simple, while others are longer and more complex. Among them, words that end with ra are found across different fields, from nature to geography to medicine. Let’s explore these words, breaking them down by letter count and meaning.

Three-Letter Words Ending in “RA”

  1. era – A period in history marked by distinctive events or characteristics.
  2. bra – A piece of clothing worn to support the breasts.
  3. ora – A plural form of “os,” meaning “mouth” or “opening” in anatomy; also means “prayer” in Latin.

Four-Letter Words Ending in “RA”

  1. aura – A subtle energy or atmosphere surrounding a person or place.
  2. dura – The tough outer membrane covering the brain and spinal cord.
  3. vira – A Sanskrit term meaning “hero” or “brave person.”
  4. tora – Refers to a military exercise in Japanese; also the Hebrew word for “law” or “teaching” (Torah).
  5. zira – A variant spelling of “zeera,” meaning cumin seeds in some languages.
  6. mira – Means “wonder” or “miracle” in Spanish; also a bright red giant star in the constellation Cetus.
  7. sira – Refers to the biography of the Prophet Muhammad in Islamic studies.

Five-Letter Words Ending in “RA”

  1. cobra – A venomous snake known for its hood.
  2. opera – A dramatic musical performance with singing and orchestration.
  3. extra – Beyond what is necessary or expected.
  4. flora – The plant life of a specific region or environment.
  5. hydra – A mythical multi-headed serpent; also a small freshwater organism.
  6. zebra – A black-and-white striped African mammal.
  7. saura – A term referring to sun worship in Hinduism.
  8. umbra – The darkest part of a shadow, especially during an eclipse.
  9. supra – Latin for “above” or “beyond”; also refers to a high-performance Toyota car model.
  10. intra – Latin for “within” or “inside.”
  11. isura – A Sanskrit word meaning “god” or “lord.”
  12. sudra – The lowest caste in the Hindu caste system.
  13. parra – Spanish for “vine” or “grapevine.”
  14. terra – Latin for “earth” or “land.”
  15. sagra – An Italian festival celebrating food and culture.
  16. agora – A marketplace in ancient Greece; also a unit of currency in Israel.
  17. durra – A type of grain sorghum grown in dry regions.
  18. senra – A surname of Galician origin.
  19. abura – A Japanese word meaning “oil” or “fat.”

Six or More Letter Words Ending in “RA”

  1. sahara – The world’s largest hot desert in North Africa.
  2. sclera – The white outer layer of the eyeball.
  3. samara – A winged fruit, like those found on maple trees.
  4. camara – A genus of flowering plants, including Lantana camara.
  5. bandra – A suburb in Mumbai, India.
  6. tempra – A Japanese term sometimes used for medical treatments.
  7. angora – A breed of rabbit or goat known for its soft fur.
  8. gomera – A Canary Island known for its whistling language, Silbo Gomero.
  9. panora – A Greek term meaning “all-seeing.”
  10. satura – A Latin word meaning “satire” or “mixed dish.”
  11. viscera – The internal organs of the body.
  12. fanfara – A term for a short, lively piece of music.
  13. cholera – A bacterial disease causing severe diarrhea.
  14. tempura – A Japanese dish of battered and deep-fried seafood or vegetables.
  15. cithara – An ancient Greek musical instrument similar to a lyre.
  16. ephemera – Things that exist or are used only temporarily.
  17. pellagra – A disease caused by niacin deficiency.
  18. caldera – A large volcanic crater.
  19. cascara – The dried bark of a buckthorn tree used as a laxative.
  20. cordillera – A system of mountain ranges.
  21. fedora – A type of hat with a soft brim and crown.
  22. mantra – A sacred phrase or chant in Hinduism and Buddhism.
  23. pasara – A Hindi term meaning “spread out” or “expand.”
  24. diaspora – The dispersion of people from their original homeland.
  25. phylloxera – A pest that destroys grapevines.
  26. lonicera – A genus of flowering plants known as honeysuckle.
  27. vertebra – A bone in the spinal column.
  28. penumbra – The partially shaded outer region of a shadow.
  29. cassiandra – A genus of legume plants.
  30. cathedra – A bishop’s official seat in a cathedral.
  31. primipara – A woman who has given birth for the first time.
  32. ephemeroptera – The order of insects known as mayflies.
  33. chimaera – A mythical creature with parts from multiple animals.
  34. alhambra – A famous palace in Spain.
  35. calciphora – A genus of insects.
  36. dendrobiumra – A genus of orchids.
  37. magnopera – A Latin term meaning “great work.”
  38. lepidoptera – The order of insects including butterflies and moths.
  39. lampetra – A genus of lampreys.
  40. chlamydomonera – A genus of green algae.
  41. scolopendra – A genus of centipedes.
  42. lepidopteran – A butterfly or moth.
  43. arthropleura – A prehistoric giant millipede-like arthropod.

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